

Logos designed to support various college-wide interests, organizations and fund raising campaigns. Each unique in their own way while still maintaining a connection to the college brand through typography and color.

Berkeley Engineering Fund/Dean’s Society Case Brochure


The case brochure and pledge card is used by the development team's major gift officers as they go out to meet with potential donors. The previous package was in need of an update so we wanted to give the brochure more life by showing smiling students and faculty members along with short quotes to give potential donors [...]

Jacobs Hall Brochure


As the Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation prepared to move into their new facility, they were in need of a small brochure to hand out to potential students who may be interested in the programs offered by the institute. The brochure used elements from the Institute's branding to create a cutting edge look that spoke to the creative [...]

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